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SKU: SurgicalBur1
Surgical Burs - 1 Round FG - 10 Pack
For caries excavation, cavity preparation, and root canal access. Smaller sizes often used for single surface cavities, medium sizes often used for interproximal cavities in anterior teeth.
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Our Specials

Defend Barrier Film, with Non-Stick Edge, Blue, 4
Defend Barrier Film, with Non-Stick Edge, Blue, 4" x 6" Sheets (1200/pk)
Rc Prep - Syringe
Rc Prep - Syringe
Alpine Dental Denali Enamel Varnish Bubblegum 5% Sodium -200/box
Alpine Dental Denali Enamel Varnish Bubblegum 5% Sodium -200/box
Dry Gone Throat Moisturizer Spray 2oz. Fresh Peppermint Flavor
Dry Gone Throat Moisturizer Spray 2oz. Fresh Peppermint Flavor